To assure that we maintain intrinsic & extrinsic disciplines against local labor law, ilo conventions, social Accountability 8000 and ETI (Ethical Trade Initiatives)

  • To protect mutual rights & obligations between employer & employee.
  • To safeguard behaviorist conflicts
  • To motivates the feeling of freedom to work.


Compliance With Laws & Workplace Regulations, Prohibition Of Forced Labor, Prohibition Of Child Labor, Prohibition Of Harassment

& Abuse, Compensation & Benefits, Hours Of Work, Prohibition Of Discrimination, Health & Safety, Freedom Of Association & Collective Bargaining, Environment, Customs Compliance & Security


Primary: Chief Executive to validate authorized personnel, warranties & guarantees, investigated reports against any kind of issues/conflicts.

Secondary: Admin. Manager to allow/permit/verify all kind of entries and exits

Tertiary: Assistant Manager Admin Advisor to constitute policies & norms in liaison with Group HR.



Convention 1

  1. The minimum age limit for employment is declared as 18 years as per Labor Act.
  2. Any sort of discrimination (gender, color, race, religion and community) will strictly be discouraged.
  3. The probation period is deemed to be decided at employment time with respect to the nature of the job. An acknowledgment Performa is deemed to be filled annually; to assure/ensure employee’s contentment
  4. That he/she has been working peacefully during the year, and, he/she has never been abused (verbally, physically and sexually).
  5. All employees are allowed to freely join any legal association.

Convention 2

  1. As per Labor Act: The minimum wages limit is according to prevailing law.
  2. All employees are paid through wage slips/vouchers.
  3. Overtime is deemed to be voluntary.

Convention 3

  1. Regular bona fide employee is entitled to avail leaves during a calendar year as per Labor Act.
  2. The employee is entitled to the following leaves :

– Sick : 16         – Casual : 10          – Privilege: 14

  1. The employee is not entitled to avail of any leave(s) during his / her probation period. With the declaration of regular status, the employee is not entitled to avail more than 3 consecutive leaves during a month
  2. For sick leaves employee need to inform the Admin department and where necessary provide a Medical certificate
  3. All regular bona fide employees are entitled to avail of the privilege leave subject to completion of Period In case privileged leaves are not availed by any employee for any reason then the privilege leaves Will be encashed as per premium rate which is double of salary and calculated as follows :

No of Privileged leaves not availed x (Gross Salary/ 26)

  1. All employees will be liable to reply to the Show Cause on account of their absence (without prior notice) for more than 48 hours. In case of any misconduct (moral, ethical, sexual, or social); The Management/board of Directors may take only the action decided by the Labor Court of Pakistan Penal Court.

Convention 4

  1. All regular bona fide employees are entitled to avail of all facilities/services as declared by PESSI (Provincial Social Security Institution) and EOBI (Employees Old-age Benefit Institution)
  2. All bonafide employees are entitled to avail of the provident fund at the time of retirement/finalization of service of the company: This provident fund will be charged as a deduction of 10% of the basic salary account of contribution to the provident fund.

Convention 5

  1. All employees are entitled to get the traveling expenses reimbursed: if he/she travels to other towns, cities and states as per the actual cost subject to the presentation of objective evidence.
  2. All employees are entitled will be paid as per the rates given below, if he/she travels within the / city.

Motorbike: Rs. 5/Km

Convention 6

  1. All regular and bona fide employees who intend to resign from the particular post where they are deployed: it is deemed as a compulsory 1-month prior notice in the name Manger Admin. Failing to which will be charged with 1-month salary.
  2. Company shall pay 1-month salary to a regular and bona fide employee if he/she is retired without 1-month prior notice

Relative laws, rules & regulations